Currently developing this page. This is a part of a workshop organized by Operational Satellite Oceanography Workshop (2023). Few contents are part of what I learnt during the workshop.


Oceanography, the study of the physical, chemical, biological, and geological aspects of the ocean, plays a crucial role in understanding Earth's complex marine environment. This field leverages a variety of methodologies and technologies, including remote sensing, to collect, analyze, and interpret oceanic data.

Fundamentals of Oceanography

  1. Physical Oceanography: Physical oceanography deals with the study of ocean currents, waves, and tides. It explores the interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere, which significantly influence climate patterns.
  2. Chemical Oceanography: Chemical oceanography focuses on the chemical composition of seawater and the biogeochemical cycles. It examines the sources and sinks of various chemical elements and compounds in the ocean.
  3. Biological Oceanography: Biological oceanography investigates the marine organisms and their interactions with the ocean environment. It covers the study of marine ecosystems, food webs, and the impact of human activities on marine life.
  4. Geological Oceanography: Geological oceanography examines the structure and composition of the ocean floor. It includes the study of plate tectonics, underwater volcanism, and sediment processes.

Key Remote Sensing Instruments

  • Radiometers: Measure the intensity of radiation, providing data on sea surface temperature and ocean color.
  • Radar Altimeters: Measure sea surface height, which is crucial for understanding ocean circulation and sea level rise.
  • LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): Uses laser pulses to measure the depth and topography of the ocean floor.

Oceanography is an interdisciplinary field that utilizes advanced technologies, including remote sensing, to study and understand the ocean. By integrating data from various sources and using sophisticated data formats, oceanographers can monitor, analyze, and predict changes in the marine environment. This knowledge is crucial for managing marine resources, mitigating the impacts of climate change, and protecting ocean health.

Sentinel 3 : Satellite

Sentinel-3 is an European Earth Observation satellite mission developed to support Copernicus ocean, land, atmospheric, emergency, security and cryospheric applications. It is jointly operated by ESA and EUMETSAT to deliver operational ocean and land observation services. There are two satellites lanuched: Sentinel-3A on 16 February 2016 Sentinel-3B on 25 April 2018 (a more detail on the satellite and various components are given at official page).
Reference: Sentinel-3 instruments (page - 6 of the reference paper).
  • Main objectives: Systematically measures Earth's oceans, land, ice, and atmosphere.
    • Measure sea surface topography.
    • Measure sea and land surface temperature.
    • Measure ocean and land surface color.
  • Additional applications: Sea-level change & sea-surface temperature mapping, water quality management, sea-ice extent and thickness mapping and numerical ocean prediction; land-cover mapping, vegetation health monitoring; glacier monitoring; water resource monitoring; wildfire detection; numerical weather prediction.
  • Spectral bands: (For more on theoretical basis on the Spectral Calibration details, see page number 13 in the following link)

Sentinel-3 Instruments:

The Sentinel-3 mission includes several key instruments, each serving distinct functions for Earth observation. Here's a list of the instruments along with a brief explanation of each:
  1. Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR):
    • Function: Measures global sea- and land-surface temperatures daily with an accuracy better than 0.3 K.
    • Description: This dual-view (near-nadir and inclined) conical imaging radiometer builds on the heritage of the ENVISAT AATSR instrument. It provides accurate temperature measurements essential for climate monitoring and weather forecasting.
      • Includes two thermal infrared channels for active fire detection and fire radiative power measurement.
      • Supports Copernicus Emergency Response and Climate Services.
      • covering 9 spectral bands (550–12 000 nm), dual-view scan with swath widths of 1420 km (nadir) and 750 km (backwards), and a spatial resolution of 500 m for visible and near-infrared, and 1 km for thermal infrared channels.
        • S1 (0.555 μm): Cloud screening, vegetation monitoring, and aerosol detection.
        • S2 (0.659 μm): Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), vegetation monitoring, and aerosol detection.
        • S3 (0.865 μm): NDVI, cloud flagging, and pixel co-registration.
        • S4 (1.375 μm): Cirrus detection over land.
        • S5 (1.61 μm): Cloud clearing, ice, and snow detection.
        • S6 (2.25 μm): Cloud clearing.
        • S7 (3.74 μm): Surface temperature and active fire monitoring.
        • S8 (10.85 μm): Surface temperature.
        • S9 (12.0 μm): Surface temperature and emissivity.
  2. Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI):
    • Function: Captures detailed optical images to monitor ocean and land color, supporting studies of marine biology, water quality, and vegetation.
    • Description: This push-broom imaging spectrometer is based on the heritage of the ENVISAT MERIS instrument. It collects data in multiple spectral bands, allowing for comprehensive analysis of oceanic and terrestrial ecosystems.
      • Features 21 distinct bands in the spectral region of (400 - 1040 nm).
        • Oa01 (400-412 nm): Used for atmospheric correction.
        • Oa03 (442-454 nm): Used for chlorophyll absorption peak
        • Oa08 (665-677 nm): Used for chlorophyll absorption.
        • Oa17 (709-712 nm): Used for detecting fluorescence from chlorophyll.
        • Oa21 (1020-1040 nm): Used for atmospheric correction and water vapor content
      • Swath width of 1270 km, overlapping with SLSTR swath.
      • covering 21 spectral bands (400–1020 nm) with a swath width of 1270 km and a spatial resolution of 300 m.
  3. Microwave Radiometer (MWR):
    • Function: Provides wet atmosphere correction to enhance the accuracy of the altimeter's measurements.
    • Description: This instrument measures the brightness temperature at specific microwave frequencies, helping to correct the signal delays caused by water vapor in the atmosphere. It features independent thermal control and cold redundancy for all subsystems to ensure reliability
      • Operates in dual frequencies at 23.8 & 36.5 GHz
        • 23.8 GHz: Sensitive to water vapor in the atmosphere.
        • 36.5 GHz: Used for detecting liquid water content in the atmosphere, surface emissivity, and soil moisture.
      • Supports the SAR altimeter.
      • Derives atmospheric correction and atmospheric column water vapour measurements.
  4. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Radar Altimeter (SRAL):
    • Function: Measures sea surface height, wave height, and wind speed over the oceans. Provides accurate topography measurements over sea ice, ice sheets, rivers, and lakes.
    • Description: SRAL operates in two frequency bands. This dual-frequency SAR altimeter builds on heritage from the ENVISAT RA-2, CryoSat SIRAL, and Jason-2/Poseidon-3 missions. It provides accurate and reliable altimetry measurements essential for ocean topography and sea state monitoring
      • Ku-band (13.575 GHz): Used for high-resolution altimetry over the ocean, coastal zones, sea ice, and inland waters.
      • C-band (5.41 GHz): Used for reducing ionospheric delay effects and improving accuracy over different surface types .
  5. Precise Orbit Determination (POD) Package:
    • Components:
      • Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) instrument.
      • Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) instrument.
      • Laser retro-reflector (LRR).
    • Function: Ensures high-accuracy radial orbit data, which is crucial for precise altimetry measurements.
    • Description: This package combines several technologies to provide precise orbital data, which is necessary for the accurate geolocation of the altimetry data.

OLCI module

The Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) provides spectral information on the colour of the oceans. It is a radiometer, which measures light reflected by the Earths surfaces. This signal contains a rich wealth of information about the composition of ocean waters, the land surface, and atmosphere. EUMETSAT produces the marine products from the Sentinel-3 OLCI sensors. Ocean colour data provides a window in to the biological activity of the worlds oceans, as well as other oceanographic and coastal processes around sediments and anthropogenic impacts. Sentinel-3 OLCI data can also be used for atmospheric composition applications, including monitoring fires, aerosols, and dust. Current OLCI marine products contain some atmospheric composition related products, and further products are in development. Sentinel-3 OLCI land products are processed by the European Space Agency (ESA).

For example, this data can be used to monitor global ocean primary production by phytoplankton, the basis of nearly all life in our seas. Ocean colour data is also vital to understand climate change — ocean colour is one of the Essential Climate Variables listed by the World Meteorological Organization to detect biological activity in the ocean’s surface layer. Phytoplankton take up carbon dioxide (CO\(_2\)) during photosynthesis, making them important carbon sinks.

  • Ocean colour data can be used to monitor the annual global uptake of CO\(_2\) by phytoplankton on a global scale. Using this data we can study the wider Earth system, for instance the El Niño/La Niña phenomena and how these impacts the ocean ecosystem. Beyond climate, ocean colour data is also useful to look at more sporadic events.
  • OLCI data can be used track sediment transport, monitor coastal water quality and track and forecast harmful algal blooms that are a danger to humans, marine/freshwater life and aquaculture.
The global picture of ocean ecosystems provided by ocean colour data can guide sustainable marine resource management. Further information on the sensor and its data can be found at and in the Sentinel-3 knowledge base.

Sentinel-3 OLCI File Naming Convention
The file naming convention for Sentinel-3 OLCI data products is designed to encapsulate essential metadata about the file in a structured manner. The format is as follows:
Accessing OLCI data via the EUMETSAT Data Store
The notebooks are provided by EUMESAT during Copernicus Marine Training programm 2023 and Authors are "Ben Loveday (EUMETSAT/Innoflair UG), Hayley Evers-King (EUMETSAT), Ana Ruescas (Brockmann Consult GmbH / University of Valencia)".
In the next step, we will need data. We took three datasets from Sentinel-3 OLCI data (thanks to the data provided by EUMESAT).
Product Description Data Store collection ID Product Navigator
Sentinel-3 OLCI level-1B full resolution EO:EUM:DAT:0409 link
Sentinel-3 OLCI level-2 full resolution EO:EUM:DAT:0407 link
Sentinel-3 OLCI level-2 reduced resolution EO:EUM:DAT:0408 link

                        ├── env/
                        ├── Sentinel-3_OLCI/
                        │   ├── 1_OLCI_introductory/
                        │   │   ├── products/
                        │   │   │   ├── S3A_OL_1_EFR____20210717T101015_20210717T101315_20210718T145224_0179_074_122_1980_MAR_O_NT_002.SEN3/
                        │   │   │   │   ├──
                        │   │   │   │   ├──
                        │   │   │   └── S3A_OL_2_WFR____20210717T101015_20210717T101315_20210718T221347_0179_074_122_1980_MAR_O_NT_003.SEN3/
                        │   │   │       ├──
                        │   │   │       └──
                        │   │   ├── 1_1a_OLCI_data_access_Data_Store.ipynb
                        │   │   ├── 1_1b_OLCI_data_access_HDA.ipynb
                        │   │   ├── 1_2_OLCI_file_structure.ipynb
                        │   │   ├── 1_3_OLCI_coverage.ipynb
                        │   │   ├── 1_4_OLCI_bands_imagery.ipynb
                        │   │   ├── 1_5_OLCI_radiance_reflectance_spectra.ipynb
                        │   │   ├── 1_6_OLCI_CHL_comparison.ipynb
                        │   │   └── 1_7_OLCI_light_environment.ipynb
                        │   │
                        │   ├── 2_OLCI_advanced/
                        │   ├── frameworks/
                        │   │   └── config.ini
                        │   └── environment.yml
                        │── AUTHORS.txt
                        ├── CHANGELOG
                        ├── .gitignore
                        ├── .gitmodules
                        └── LICENSE.txt
  • Step- 1: Importing libraries
                                    import configparser # a library that allows us to parse standard configuration files
                                    import IPython      # a library that helps us display video and HTML content
                                    import os           # a library that allows us access to basic operating system commands like making directories
                                    import json         # a library that helps us make JSON format files
                                    import shutil       # a library that allows us access to basic operating system commands like copy
                                    import zipfile      # a library that allows us to unzip zip-files.
                                    import eumdac       # a tool that helps us download via the eumetsat/data-store
  • Step- 2: Sometimes we use configuration files to help us set some notebook parameters. The box below reads a configuration file to help us decide how large to make the videos displayed below
                                    # Define the path to the configuration file
                                    config_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()), "frameworks", "config.ini")
                                    # Check if the configuration file exists and read it if it does
                                    if os.path.exists(config_file_path):
    THis script check for configuration file and read if it exists in the current working directory.
    • os.getcwd(): Returns the current working directory.
    • os.path.dirname: Returns the directory name of the pathname.
    • os.path.join(path, *paths): Joins one or more path components intelligently.
    • os.path.exists(path): Returns True if the specified path exists, False otherwise.
    For more details on os module, please check the os-python module link.
  • Step- 3: Creating a download directory for the data files:
                                    download_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "products")
                                    os.makedirs(download_dir, exist_ok=True)
  • Step- 4: Data access: The Data Store is EUMETSAT's primary pull service for delivering data, including the ocean data available from Sentinel-3 and OLCI. Access to it is possible through a WebUI, and through a series of application programming interfaces (APIs). The Data Store supports browsing, searching and downloading data as well as subscription services. It also provides a link to the online version of the EUMETSAT Data Tailor for customisation. To access Sentinel-3 data from the EUMETSAT Data Store, there are following methods that can be used:
    Other way of accessig the data from the EUMESAT using the REST API are as follows:
    In order to allow us to download data from the Data Store via API, we need to provide our credentials. We can do this in two ways
    • Option-1: either by creating a file called `.eumdac_credentials` in our home directory (recommended)
    • Option-2: or by supplying our credentials directly in this script.

    Option-1: creating `.eumdac_credentials` in our home directory.

    For most computer systems the home directory can be found at the path \user\username, /users/username, or /home/username depending on your operating system. In this file we need to add the following information exactly as follows;
                                            "consumer_key": "your_consumer_key",
                                            "consumer_secret": "your_consumer_secret"
    You must replace 'your_consumer_key' and 'your_consumer_secret' with the information you extract from You will need a EUMETSAT Earth Observation Portal account to access this link, and in order to see the information you must click the "Show hidden fields" button at the bottom of the page.
                                        # Get the home directory of the current user
                                        home_directory = os.path.expanduser("~")
                                        # Construct the full path to the '.eumdac_credentials' file
                                        credentials_path = os.path.join(home_directory, '.eumdac_credentials')
                                        # Print the full path
                                        print(f"The full path to the '.eumdac_credentials' file is: {credentials_path}")

    This code will generate the .eumdac_credentials in the home directory of computer system.

    Note: your key and secret are permanent, so you only need to do this once, but you should take care to never share them Make sure to save the file without any kind of extension. Once you have done this, you can read in your credentials using the commands in the following cell. These will be used to generate a time-limited token, which will refresh itself when it expires.

    Instead of saving the credentials into the home directory of the computer systems, we can also save it to a .env/ folder which should be kept secret by adding the file name to '.gitignore' file. To create .env, use mkdir -p .env, then move the .eumdac_credentials file into the .env from the home or create a new .eumdac_credentials into the .env. Follwoing python code can be used to create it into .env:

                                        import os
                                        import json
                                        import eumdac
                                        # Define the path to the '.eumdac_credentials' file in the '.env' directory
                                        project_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))  # Get the directory of the current script
                                        env_directory = os.path.join(project_directory, '.env')
                                        credentials_path = os.path.join(env_directory, '.eumdac_credentials')
                                        # Read the credentials from the file
                                        with open(credentials_path) as json_file:
                                            credentials = json.load(json_file)
                                            token = eumdac.AccessToken((credentials['consumer_key'], credentials['consumer_secret']))
                                            print(f"This token '{token}' expires {token.expiration}")
                                        # Create data store object
                                        datastore = eumdac.DataStore(token)

    Option 2: provide credentials directly You can provide your credentials directly as follows;

    token = eumdac.AccessToken((consumer_key, consumer_secret))

    Note: this method is convenient in the short term, but is not really recommended as you have to put your key and secret in this notebook, and run the risk of accidentally sharing them. This method also requires you to authenticate on a notebook-by-notebook basis.
    Now we have a token, we can see what OLCI specific collections we have in the Data Store.
                                    datastore = eumdac.DataStore(token)
                                    for collection_id in datastore.collections:
                                            if "OLCI" in collection_id.title and "EO:EUM:DAT:0" in str(collection_id):
                                                print(f"Collection ID({collection_id}): {collection_id.title}")
    Since, I have used so many data products, I receive following output:
                                    Collection ID(EO:EUM:DAT:0410): OLCI Level 1B Reduced Resolution - Sentinel-3
                                    Collection ID(EO:EUM:DAT:0556): OLCI Level 2 Ocean Colour Full Resolution (version BC003) - Sentinel-3 - Reprocessed
                                    Collection ID(EO:EUM:DAT:0557): OLCI Level 2 Ocean Colour Reduced Resolution (version BC003) - Sentinel-3 - Reprocessed
                                    Collection ID(EO:EUM:DAT:0407): OLCI Level 2 Ocean Colour Full Resolution - Sentinel-3
                                    Collection ID(EO:EUM:DAT:0408): OLCI Level 2 Ocean Colour Reduced Resolution - Sentinel-3
                                    Collection ID(EO:EUM:DAT:0409): OLCI Level 1B Full Resolution - Sentinel-3
                                    Collection ID(EO:EUM:DAT:0577): OLCI Level 1B Full Resolution (version BC002) - Sentinel-3 - Reprocessed
                                    Collection ID(EO:EUM:DAT:0578): OLCI Level 1B Reduced Resolution (version BC002) - Sentinel-3 - Reprocessed
  • Step- 5: The products we need: We need a number of OLCI level-1b and level-2 products. These products are shown below in a python *list* called **product list**. We will retrieve these products from the Data Store.
                                    product_list = [
  • Step- 6: Getting the data: We can access the data using either collection id or product id:
                                # With the level-1B `collection_id` to the `datastore` object to choose the correct collection.
                                collection_id = 'EO:EUM:DAT:0409'
                                selected_collection = datastore.get_collection(collection_id)

    With the product name:

                                selected_product = datastore.get_product(product_id=product_list[0], collection_id=collection_id)

    Once we have collection id and product names, we can download the data from the EUMESAT data store:

                                with as fsrc, open(os.path.join(download_dir,, mode='wb') as fdst:
                                    print(f'Downloading {}')
                                    shutil.copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst)
                                    print(f'Download of product {} finished.')


    • os.path.join(download_dir, Constructs the full path for the destination file by combining download_dir and the name of the source file (
    • mode='wb': Opens the destination file in write-binary mode, which is necessary for copying binary data.
    • fdst: A file-like object representing the destination file that is being written to.
    • shutil.copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst): Copies the content from the source file (fsrc) to the destination file (fdst). This function reads from fsrc and writes to fdst until the end of the source file is reached.

    Finally, we have downloaded the data in the products/ folder. Output of the above code is:

                                Download of product finished.

    The product is downloaded as a zip file, so lets unzip it and remove the zip.

                                with zipfile.ZipFile(, 'r') as zip_ref:
                                for file in zip_ref.namelist():
                                    if file.startswith(str(selected_product)):
                                        zip_ref.extract(file, download_dir)
                                print(f'Unzipping of product {selected_product} finished.')

OLCI Product


Some other interesting things to know: