Bootstrp css style


In HTML, the class attribute is used to apply CSS styles and JavaScript behaviors to elements. Some commonly used classes inside
for styling and layout purposes include:

Bootstrap (CSS Framework)

  • Alerts: 'alert alert-primary', 'alert alert-secondary'', 'alert alert-success', 'alert alert-danger', 'alert alert-warning', 'alert alert-info', 'alert alert-light', 'alert alert-dark'.
  • Grid System: 'container', container-fluid, row, col, col-*-* (e.g., col-md-6)
  • Text: 'text-left', 'text-center', 'text-right', 'text-justify', 'text-muted', 'text-primary', 'text-success', 'text-info', 'text-warning', 'text-danger.
  • Backgrounds: 'bg-primary', 'bg-secondary', 'bg-success', 'bg-danger', 'bg-warning', 'bg-info', 'bg-light', bg-dark, 'bg-white.
  • Utilities: 'd-block', 'd-inline-block', 'd-flex', 'd-none', m-*-* (e.g., m-3, my-4), 'p-*-*' (e.g., p-2, py-3)
  • Buttons: 'btn', 'btn-primary', 'btn-secondary', 'btn-success', btn-danger, 'btn-warning', 'btn-info', 'btn-light', 'btn-dark', 'btn-link.
  • Display: 'display-1', 'display-2', 'display-3', 'display-4.

Tailwind CSS (Utility-First CSS Framework)

  • Spacing: m-* (e.g., m-4, mt-2), p-* (e.g., p-6, px-3)
  • Flexbox: flex, inline-flex, flex-row, flex-col, justify-center, items-center
  • Grid: grid, grid-cols-* (e.g., grid-cols-3), gap-* (e.g., gap-4)
  • Text: text-left, text-center, text-right, text-justify, text-sm, text-lg, text-xl
  • Colors: bg-* (e.g., bg-blue-500), text-* (e.g., text-red-600)
  • Borders: border, border-* (e.g., border-gray-300), rounded, rounded-* (e.g., rounded-lg)
  • Display: block, inline-block, hidden, inline, flex, table, table-row, table-cell

Custom Classes

You can also define custom classes in your CSS file and use them in the class attribute, such as:
  • .custom-container
  • .header-title
  • .footer-links
  • .highlight


  • Alert:
  • Grid System:
    Column 1
    Column 2
  • Text and Background:
    Centered text with primary background
  • Utilities:
    Flex item 1
    Flex item 2
    Flex item 3
  • Button:

    Hello, World!

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